This is me and my friends eating ice-cream on a wall after the museum. It was so good and I had choc-nut! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!

This is my brother next to some dino eggs! It was cool seeing this. I don’t have much to say about it.

Look at that skeleton Joe’s standing with!!!!!

Joe’s standing with that spikey head dinosaur. His enjoying it a lot.

This is real. It is a lego t-rex and it is awesome, there is a lego car in front of me! I’m running away from the t-rex. It’s mouth is hollow, imagine it breaking!

My brothers head is being eaten!!!!! AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s crazy isn’t it.

Like I said this is real. These are what you call lego triceratops. And that green stalk thingy is the leg of a brachiosaurus. I was right next to it!

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